© 2020 Addison

teams and jazz

To be a team is to almost be a well-oiled machine, working quickly and effectively. It takes a lot of effort and time to actually get to that point, however, but it can be easier to do so if you can gather a team of people with complementing traits; good team members are all honest and straightforward but in a kind way. They give constructive criticism rather than bashing on other’s ideas and work and beating them down, and tell them what they did well, and what they can do to improve. They are fair, they do their share of the work and expect everyone else to do the same, they are reliable and keep a positive attitude, showing passion and willingness towards their work. Not only this, they can recognize and admit to mistakes in a calm and cool way and fix them in a timely manner. They share ideas openly and are willing to take criticism and use it to grow rather than going on the defensive; these are all important traits to have, but it’s not having one of these traits for every person in your team, a good team should have members that share all of these qualities.

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